Target Audience and themes

The game will have an PEGI age rating of 18. ESRB M for Mature and will target fans of the horror genre which is a more mature audience. This will be because the game will contain violence, bad language, fear (due to being a horror game) and references to both drugs and sex. 

The game contains themes of horror as it would feature a colour palette of mostly dark colours, containing a red-like hue with darker aimed tones. Darker colours will help create a depressing tone that the game will need in order to give players an idea of what type of game it is. 

The colour red is the primary chosen colour due to the association with it representing evil and mostly blood which is a popular convention of horror. The game will not feature any bright colours to help target the maturer audience and help keep the game visually appeal to the horror genre. 

Using colours such as red help give the idea of blood, horror and insecurity as the game will have the presence of blood to appeal to the mature audience. 
